Tuesday 24 November 2020

Media and me

 Today we were learning about media. Media gives you information. We learnt how to trick people with media by changing a picture to look like we were on holiday. It only took me a few clicks to make this change. 

Friday 20 November 2020

Thursday 19 November 2020

Art coloring


my picture

The original 

For this task I changed the colour of the waves. I liked colouring the picture. 

Wednesday 4 November 2020




In 1881 November 5th we  remember Parihaka from when the government came and tried to take the maori land but instead of fighting the maori done a peaceful protest. 

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Exploring Blogs

Today me and my class were exploring blogs from  other people and other schools. We had one person from our school st marys and two other people from another school Matawai. We were finding stuff about them, what they like, what year they are and what school they went to. I enjoyed finding what they like doing and visiting there blogs. 

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Before and after - quality blog posts.

 We were learning how to make a quality blog post. We took a screenshot of a blog post that needed work. After that I added more sentences and reflected on what I was learning to do. Then I had to take a screenshot of my updated work and add it to the blog. 

Thursday 6 August 2020

My fact find

During reading time we were finding facts about animals to help us plan for report writing. We had to use google to find the answers. We used the subheadings for ideas to search up. We found some pictures of the animal. I found it tricky to find more than two facts. Next time I would like choose a different animal to research.